Master Artificial Intelligence: How the International THWS Programme Strengthens the Region

17.08.2024 | Fakultät, Masterstudium, Studiengang, E-Commerce, Informatik, Wirtschaftsinformatik
The Master's programme in Artificial Intelligence at the Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (THWS) not only trains AI experts of tomorrow but also boosts the regional economy. Graduates of the programme remain loyal to the region and contribute to innovation and further development.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made enormous progress in recent years and now influences various aspects of our daily lives. From voice assistants in smartphones to autonomous vehicles and predictive analysis systems in industry, AI is omnipresent. Particularly in industrial regions like Mainfranken – specifically in the cities of Würzburg and Schweinfurt – AI plays a crucial role. The region, known for its strong industrial base and innovative corporate culture, increasingly recognises the need to prepare for the future by investing in the education of qualified professionals.

With the growing demand for AI experts, the Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (THWS) launched the Master's programme in Artificial Intelligence (MAI) in 2022. The full-time programme spans three semesters and is taught entirely in English. According to Prof. Dr.-Ing. Pascal Meißner, head of the MAI programme, this makes the programme particularly attractive to international students as well. Meißner also highlights that unlike similar programmes in countries like the UK, USA, Canada, or Australia, the MAI Master's programme in Germany is virtually tuition-free. He further states: "I feel that many students abroad know they can expect high-quality teaching at very low cost in Germany."

The MAI programme at THWS is designed to impart in-depth application and method-oriented knowledge in AI. Students learn about the most important principles and methods of AI with a stress on machine learning, including its mathematical foundations. Meißner explains: "We aim to offer courses that are both diverse and up-to-date, to quality students to develop our contribute to novel AI systems both in academia and the R & D departments of companies."

The MAI programme puts great emphasis on hands-on group projects and presentation skills. This prepares students for careers as software engineers in the industries and put them into contact with local companies. Prof. Dr. Magda Gregorová, who has been leading the Center for Artificial Intelligence since 2021 and teaches in the AI Master's programme, emphasises the close connection between research and teaching: "It's important that the professors who teach are also involved in research to ensure that teaching remains research-oriented."
The Interaction Between University and Industry: A Catalyst for Regional Development

MAI programme graduates strongly contribute to bringing AI skills and knowledge into local companies. Meißner highlights that many students are motivated to stay in the region and find work here: "Many students already seek opportunities to start their careers here during their studies." The MAI programme has proven to be an important catalyst for the development of the region as an AI hub. A variety of companies in the region have already sought collaboration with THWS, demonstrating strong interest in the skills of the graduates. For instance, a hackathon was organized in cooperation with Deutsche Bank, while the Company Speed Dating event featured companies such as LEONI, Pfeuffer and Rothe. Furthermore, project work and final theses have been realised in cooperation with Greenspin. Strong connections with companies and industrial partners have led programme graduates to play crucial roles in various innovative projects and startups.

Collaboration with local industry not only provides students with valuable insights but also creates jobs in the region. Meißner emphasises the importance of these partnerships: "Our students benefit tremendously from the practical experiences gained in these projects. At the same time, they help companies develop and implement innovative solutions."

Events such as hackathons and workshops organised by MAI professors promote exchange between students and companies, providing a platform for the development of new ideas. These initiatives help maintain Mainfranken's reputation as a hub for innovation and technology. Gregorová adds: "Our students' participation in these events demonstrates their commitment and willingness to contribute to regional development."

Meißner also sees great potential in future developments and perspectives. He emphasises that THWS is committed to continuously improving and adapting the programme to provide students with the best possible education. "We are continuously working to expand our curricula and integrate new technologies into our courses to ensure that our graduates are well-prepared for professional life," explains Meißner.
Successes of MAI Graduates: Innovation and Engagement in Mainfranken

This year, the MAI programme had its first graduates who are now contributing to regional development.

Vincent Wahyudi is one of the first graduates. He is a research assistant in the DIBCO project (Digital Container Management using Computer Vision) and a doctoral student in the THWS Faculty of Applied Natural Sciences and Humanities. He notes that the MAI programme significantly influenced his career path. He is dedicated to developing systems for automatic classification and object recognition in companies and describes his work as a direct result of skills acquired during his studies. Wahyudi emphasises: "I learned a lot from the projects and my master's thesis. This helped me build analytical skills and additional knowledge in my current field." Wahyudi adds that the international orientation and the opportunity to collaborate with students from various cultural background helped him develop his skills and gain new perspectives. "Collaborating with other students helped me understand different approaches and ways of thinking, which is invaluable in the globalized work environment," says Wahyudi.

Another graduate, Nehmiya Shikur, works as a Data Scientist at Greenspin GmbH in Würzburg. There, he developed an AI solution for early detection of bark beetle infestation, contributing to the protection of forests in Bavaria. He chose to stay in the Würzburg-Schweinfurt region because of its growing community of startups and companies developing AI technology. Regarding MAI, he highlights how the hands-on education at THWS helped him acquire advanced skills in machine learning and data analysis: "The MAI programme has significantly shaped my career path and goals. It provided me with advanced knowledge and practical skills."

Shikur and Wahyudi are not the only graduates benefiting from the diversity of the programme and its students. Vishnu Prasad Vijaya Kumar, who works as a student employee at InnoSphere.AI GmbH in Munich, also emphasises the value of the skills acquired in the MAI programme. He highlights the importance of practical projects during his studies and emphasises how they prepared him for the challenges of his current position. Kumar explains, "During the programme, I acquired advanced skills in machine learning, neural networks, and entrepreneurship." He also found that interdisciplinary project management prepared him well for the real working world. Recently, he and his team won a €7,500 THWS startup fund for their AI-based elderly healthcare product. He says: “Over the past four months, we've been diligently developing this idea, seeing great potential to establish a company that delivers superior healthcare software, improving care quality.”
A Dynamic Vision for Mainfranken's Future

The Master's programme in Artificial Intelligence at THWS has already made its marks in the Würzburg-Schweinfurt region and beyond. It is not only open to people and ideas from around the world, but also creates close connections between academia and industry that is invaluable for regional development. With an equal focus on both theory and practice, the MAI programme optimally prepares its graduates for the challenges of the modern working world and helps position Mainfranken as an innovation hotspot. Graduates like Vincent Wahyudi, Nehmiya Shikur, and Vishnu Prasad Vijaya Kumar are evidence that integrating methodical and hands-on education in an English-taught programme, ensures attracting and retaining top talent for the region.


Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt

Head of MAI programme
Prof. Dr. Pascal Meißner


Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt

Marie-Claire Hitchcock