Committee for the allocation of assigned funds for personnel and material resources (Six-Members-Committee)

Duties of the Six-Members-Committee

The duties and the composition of the committee is derived from the statutes concerning the principles of the allocation and the student participation in the use of assigned funds.Opens internal link in current window

Composition of the Six-Members-Committee

The committee is composed equally of three professors of the faculty and three students. They decide upon the use of special funds on request of all faculty members. 

It is annually appointed by the faculty council and consists of

  • the dean
  • usually the dean of studies
  • another professor

and three representatives of the faculty’s students:

  • two of them are the current student representatives in the faculty council and
  • the third student member is proposed by the student council.

Representatives of higher education teaching staff

  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Biedermann (dean)
  • Prof. Dr. Frank Isabel John (dean of studies)
  • Prof. Dr. Frank-Michael Schleif (deputy dean)

Student representatives

  • Robin Neulinger
  • Stefan Riehl
  • Michelle Schmitt

Examples of use of funds

In 2019, the Six-Members-Committee has allocated about 190,000 euros of special funds and thus supported the following projects:

  • Field trip to Bangalore, India, during a core elective module (FWPM)
  • Field trip to Sibiu, Romania, to take part in a student conference
  • Field trip to Toronto, Canada, during a core elective module (FWPM)
  • Field trip to Lappeenranta, Finland, during a core elective module (FWPM)
  • Several field trips to trade fairs and company visits
  • Furniture and a whiteboard in the MindSpace (area in front of room I.3.20)


Faculty staff wanting to make proposals to the Six-Members-Committee can contact the Dean. If you are a student, please contact the student representatives of the Six-Members-Committee.