
Winner of the Social Innovators Challenge 2020. Follow the link to see the press release by THWS and the University Würzburg (German only).

What’s it about?

Controlling mobile devices via touch or keyboard can be challenging for people with limited motor functions. With the handicApp, controlling a device can be made easier by using the webcam.

This is a software running locally on the respective device, which records the head and face position relative to the device. Depending on the angular deviation from the camera, e.g. if the head is turned to the left or right, this information can be used for control purposes. The project was awarded first place in the Social Innovator Challenge of University of Würzburg and FHWS.

The video demonstrats the use of this handicAPP.

Who’s involved?

Tobias Moritz (FHWS alumnus) and Janik Ehrhardt

Supervised by: Prof. Dr. Nicholas Müller