Semester abroad

What option to go abroad?

European partner university

Here you can see an icon representing European universites.

This is the easiest way as the processes for nomination are well-established with the International Office.

No study fees must be paid at our partner universities. In general, no specific proof of the knowledge of the national language must be submitted, and chances of receiving Erasmus funding are high.

Non-European partner universities

Here you can see an icon representing non-European partner universities

Spending a study semester outside the EU can be promoted by various programmes. However, (reduced) study fees might be payable, and a language aptitude test could be required.

Such stays are also administered by the International Office.

Any university worldwide

Here you can see an icon representing universities around the world

Staying at any higher education institution, with whom no partnership agreement exists, is possible for so-called free movers.

Students will most likely have to pay the full tuition fees and will have to organise their stay abroad all by themselves.

Wege ins Ausldand: Auslandssemester Du interessierst Dich für ein Auslandssemester während Deines Studiums? Wir haben die wichtigsten 6 Organisationsschritte für Dein Auslandssemester zusammengefasst: 1. Nehme Kontakt zu Deiner Auslandsbeauftragten oder Deinem Auslandsbeauftragten auf. 2. Bewerbe Dich online für den Austausch an der Partnerhochschule Deiner Wahl beim Hochschulservice Internationales. 3. Bewerbe dich für den Aufenthalt an der Partnerhochschule. 4. Mache alle Deine Dokumente für die Erasmus+ Förderung fertig, u.a. Learning Agreement, Versicherungen, Stipendium. 5. Vorfreude und Reisevorbereitungen. 6. Abreise. Noch Fragen? Das Team des Hochschulservice Internationales steht Dir telefonisch, im persönlichen Gespräch oder per Email zur Seite.

Dates & deadlines

Details on the dates and deadlines can be found under "Planning your stay" or on the website of our International Office.

Accreditation of study achievements completed abroad

It should be your goal that the study achievements you have completed abroad can be accredited by us. Prior to starting your semester abroad, it is required for partner universities and advisable for all other higher education institutions to enter into a (digital) learning agreement by which

  • you commit yourself to visiting the stated lectures and taking the exams.
  • the faculty commit themselves to accredit successfully completed exams.
  • the partner university commits itself to offering the modules.

The learning agreement must be accepted by the head of the examination committee of your degree programme.

What semester to choose for going abroad