FHWS Praxis International: An exciting mobility programme at the Faculty of Computer Science and Business Information Systems

Wed, 5 Feb 2020 | e-commerce, computer science, business information systems, degree programme
Internationalisation of company contacts and practice stays as the second pillar of the internationalisation of FHWS

In January, the project FHWS Praxis International was launched. The project managers met this week and planned the implementation of the packages of measures and milestones for the two-year project in a kick-off event.

This mobility project is supported by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) programme "HAW.International" and serves the development of strategies to internationalise business contacts and practice stays. The initial implementation will take place in the Faculty of Computer Science and Business Information Systems in cooperation with the FHWS International Office (HSIN). However, the aim is to develop a holistic approach which can then be transferred to the entire FHWS.

A close cooperation partner for the project will be Sheffield Hallam University (SHU) in Sheffield, Great Britain. By collaborating with this long-standing partner university, we want to offer an exciting combination of study and practice stays in an English-speaking country to the students of our Faculty. For this, the project team is currently looking for interesting business partners in the Sheffield region. In addition, it will be devising a broad offer of courses together with SHU.

Students of SHU have the opportunity to do an internship in one of the two big international partner companies in the Würzburg area. For this, the framework conditions are to be defined in the coming weeks. A subsequent stay at the Faculty of Computer Science and Business Information Systems is to bring not only professional experience, but also a change of perspective in the area of science and teaching.

In the long term, FHWS Praxis International is not intended to be a mere student mobility, but to enable FHWS staff to participate in exchange for further training purposes.

For more information, please refer to the project website