Prof. Dr. habil. Nicholas Müller
97074 Würzburg
Research Professorship Socioinformatics and Social Aspects of Digitalisation
Head of IDIS (Institute of Design and Information Systems)
Programme Director Bachelor Digital Society

New degree program "Digital Society"
Interested in a new degree programme? The second year of our new Bachelor's degree programme "Digital Society" starts in autumn!
More information can be found here:
And here:
New BMBF research project - BikeBox
Cyclists are often impaired by closely parked cars, overtaking too closely and bumpy roads. Together with our cooperation partner Webfactor, we are developing a sensor box for bicycles that measures distances to the sides, air quality, GPS and vibrations. By distributing 100 of these boxes to students next summer semester, we will create a map that empirically identifies dangerous areas in a city - so that urban planning can improve cycling safety, based on evaluated data.
New BMBF Research Project - Rooftop Scout
The measurement of roofs for the installation of solar panels is complex. Various structures such as windows, chimneys, or satellite dishes require detailed measurements. Until now, a professional has inspected the roof, manually measuring distances and transferring them to sketches. Based on this data, the number of required modules is then determined. In the current project, an autonomous drone using photogrammetric methods is employed for this purpose.
Teaching Areas
Research Professorship in Socioinformatics and Social Aspects of Digitalization
The Chair of Socioinformatics and Social Aspects of Digitalization conducts interdisciplinary research on empirical questions, reflected in its interfaculty anchoring at the faculties of Computer Science and Business Information Technology, Applied Social Sciences, and Design. The main focus is on challenges at the intersection between humans and technology.
This includes biophysical measurements in human-computer or human-machine interaction, such as skin conductivity, heart rate variability, eye tracking, and pupillometry.
Through practical research projects of the Chair of Socioinformatics and Social Aspects of Digitalization, significant contributions have already been made to the scientific discourse.
These include projects that supported the city of Würzburg (touristic VR views) and the city of Lohr a. Main (LohrOnPlan app development) as well as the city of Haßfurt (photogrammetry for digitalization of the Ritterkapelle as part of a model project for the Smart Green City of Haßfurt).
Institute Design and Information Systems - IDIS
The Faculty of Computer Science and Business Informatics and the Faculty of Design jointly founded the In-Institute for Design and Information Systems (IDIS) in September 2011. As a research-based institution of the university, the institute brings together the two faculties with the goal of transferring interdisciplinary knowledge into valuable projects and products and thereby increasing the university's third-party funding. IDIS deals with applied interdisciplinary research in the field of digital information and communication media and addresses inter- and transdisciplinary issues in the field of computer science and communication design. The institute supports companies from all industrial sectors and cultural institutions from applied basic research to prototype realization.
Computer scientists and communication designers at IDIS become multimedia translators of impulses and codes that make social and economic actions understandable, interpretable, and controllable. The early and close cooperation of the digital media study focus of the Faculty of Design and the corresponding project classes of the Faculty of Computer Science and Business Informatics made it clear that only the meaningful fusion of idea, content, design, and function can lead to pioneering results. The institute also deals with new knowledge technologies and the development of experimental concepts for optimizing tasks in industry and society.
IDIS has set itself the goal of simplifying, improving, and expanding the work of people in different occupational fields through the development of far-sighted, effective, and economically sound tools and prototypes. The institute sees itself as a think tank that works in close coordination with its partners and clients to sustainably optimize their competitiveness through innovative solutions.
Can an algorithm calculate morally? (KAIMO)
Ethics and Digital Operationalization in the Field of Child Welfare Endangerment.
Norms and values guide people’s actions. In modern societies, social and political institutions should also meet these normative criteria. In view of the advancing digital possibilities, the question arises whether institutional decision-making can be digitally supported or even replaced by software programs. This applies all the more in social conflicts and morally charged situations in which people have to make ethically and legally justified decisions in a short time and with limited resources. Can algorithms help public institutions to act ethically, especially in such conflict situations?
Escape Game: Knights' Chapel Hassfurt
The highly detailed 3D model of the historic Ritterkapelle Haßfurt, developed as part of a project together with the Smart Green City Initiative of the city of Haßfurt, offers the opportunity to design a virtual reality learning arrangement through photogrammetric reconstruction. Due to the very high-resolution models and surface structures, it can be distinguished between low-detailed use cases and high-detailed applications. In the first version, the historical church can be viewed from the inside and outside via commercially available VR devices, smartphones or desktop applications, which have already been used in other contexts for building preservation. For closer examination of sculptures or building structures, higher-resolution data can be used. In this context, the aim is to convey knowledge about the historical background of the Ritterkapelle, the specific exhibited artworks and the peculiarities of the building. Since the entire chapel already exists as a 3D model and the current pandemic has greatly restricted viewing times, implementation as a virtually walkable solution seems logical. The intended use can be viewed as a model for other art historical and cultural organizers who can also be used in museums or other historical buildings.
Since the use of virtual reality for learning purposes is still characterized by a strong lack of empirical findings, an informal learning arrangement will be examined to determine the impact of the form of media delivery of historical knowledge on learning cognitive processes and learning outcomes.
Accordingly, an escape game will be implemented in the virtual environment of the Ritterkapelle Haßfurt, which can be played with a current VR system. For this, various tasks, following the approach of Anchored Instruction, will be embedded in an exciting, coherent story about relevant historical backgrounds. The learners will independently work out historical facts in an informal learning situation to gradually solve a higher-level task and "escape" from the virtual environment.
General information about the project on the website of the Smart City Haßfurt:
User Centered Design
Digital citizen services enable time- and location-independent communication between citizens and the public administration. To this end, the Institute for Design and Information Systems (IDIS) of the THWS works with the Anstalt for Kommunale Datenverarbeitung in Bayern (AKDB).
Further information:
Photogrammetric model of the knight's chapel in Hassfurt
As part of a project from the professorship, the Ritterkapelle (knight's chapel) in Hassfurt was digitally scanned using the latest methods.
Using photo and drone shots, a highly detailed 3D model of the chapel was created through photogrammetric reconstruction and optimized for use in various digital environments, such as a smartphone, website, or virtual tours.
Further information:
EXIST startup funding
- HandicAPP, 2021 - 2022, founded 2022 - HeadCube, headcube.de
- FutureImmersion, 2020
- PIAS Lernapp, 2018 - 2019 - founded 2020, www.pias-education.com
- VisVantage, 2017, founded 2018 - ViReso, vireso.de
Motion capture in martial arts
Using a kinematic motion analysis with the help of motion capture, the training of beginners in the martial art of Muay Thai was analyzed and optimized. Traditionally, the movement sequence is guided and evaluated by a trainer in training. However, in cooperation with the university, the athletes did not train in a dojo, but in the motion-capture laboratory at Sanderheinrichsleitenweg. This allowed for a very detailed influence on the movement sequences and possible sources of error could be corrected at an early stage.
More information: www.mainpost.de/regional/wuerzburg/kampfsport-training-mit-technischer-unterstuetzung-art-11034350
Other ongoing projects
- Development of an AR application for simulating schizophrenia symptoms
- Development of an AR training for recognition of listening devices in medical education
- Virtualization of the SHL for hybrid teaching
- Influence of VR simulations on measured body temperature
- Drone surveying of house roofs to support roofers (Rooftop-Scout)
- Bicycle sensor box for swarm surveying of bicycle routes in Würzburg und Haßfurt (Vogel Foundation)
Completed Projects
- LOHR-ONPLAN with the city of Lohr a.Main, 2021
- SoulSide-App, 2021
- Citizen Participation Hassfurt Smart Green City, 2021
- Development of a digital opening matinee for the Mainfranken Theater Würzburg, 2021
- Author software for MZK training of children with JMU Würzburg and TU Chemnitz, 2021
- Automated FACS recognition to support people with visual impairments (Emotions Glove), 2021
- Organization of a telepresent scavenger hunt for first-semester students in WiSe 2020/21 using Double Robots
- AR Distance Visualization in a Pandemic Context, 2020
- VR Research on Relaxation (Total Recall Light) in collaboration with Tourism Würzburg, 2019
- Calculation of cognitive load through pupil size change, 2019
- Human-robot interaction as a telepresence solution for exchange students, 2019
- Conceptathon Lohr, 2019
- VR Training with FAS students for 360° documentation of refugee camps, 2019
- Language assistants for nursing documentation, 2019
- Training effects on eye movements of the German badminton national team, 2017
- Human Responsive Design, 2017
- Support of air traffic controllers by means of multimodal psychological state recognition in cooperation with the German Air Traffic Control, 2017
- Smart Virtual Worker, 2015
- Graphical Data Visualization in Crew Management, 2013
- ChangeEL, 2010
Books, Chapters, Journals, Proceedings
Hube, G. & Müller, N. H. (2024). Comparison of 2D Virtual Learning Environments with Classic Video Conferencing Systems for Tertiary Education. International Journal on Advances in Software, vol 17 no 3 & 4, year 2024, pp. 249-257.
Burghardt, J., Lehmann, R., Reder, M., Koska, C., Kraus, M., & Müller, N. (2024). Kann Künstliche Intelligenz sozialarbeiterische Entscheidungsprozesse unterstützen? Ethik und digitale Operationalisierung im Feld der Kindeswohlgefährdung. unsere jugend, 76(7+8), 300–310. doi.org/10.2378/uj2024.art40d
Reder, M., Müller, N., & Lehmann, R. (2024). Über das Verhältnis von Ethik und Algorithmen: Ein Problemaufriss. In M. Reder & C. Koska (Eds.), Edition Moderne Postmoderne (1st ed., pp. 7–22). transcript Verlag. doi.org/10.14361/9783839469057-002
Laskowitz, L., Müller, N. (2024). Training Development in Dance: Enhancing Precision Through Motion Capture and a Virtual Environment for Injury Prevention. In: Zaphiris, P., Ioannou, A. (eds) Learning and Collaboration Technologies. HCII 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14724. Springer, Cham. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-61691-4_9
Laskowitz, L. & Müller, N. H. (2023). Introduction and Evaluation of an Alternative Training Approach as Indicator of Performance Improvement in Martial Arts with the Help of Kinematic Motion Analysis Using Motion Capture. Proceedings of ACHI 2023, The Sixteenth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions, May 2023, pp. 152-158
Götz, S., & Müller, N. (2023). AR in medical auscultation training. doi.org/10.48340/IHC2023_PD019
Hube, G., Pfeffel, K. & Müller, N. H. (2023). Comparison of 2D Virtual Learning Environments with Classic Video Conferencing Systems for Tertiary Education. Proceedings of ACHI 2020, The Thirteenth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions, Nov. 2023.
Weiß, E.-M. & Schüpfer, E. & Müller, N. & Unz, D. (2023). A Mixed Reality Approach for Enhanced Understanding and Empathy: Simulating Auditory and Visual Phenomena in Schizophrenia. Infrahealth 2023 - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Infrastructures in Healthcare 2023. DOI: 10.48340/ihc2023_pd030. European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies (EUSSET). ISSN: 2510-2591. Siegen, Germany. 11-12 September 2023.
Keller, L. & Müller, N. H. (2023). Double Pepper: Mediated Human-Robot Interaction and Its Influence on Human Perception. Proceedings: 2023 10th International Conference on Behavioural and Social Computing (BESC), Larnaca, Cyprus, 2023, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/BESC59560.2023.10386823.
Hube, G., Pfeffel, K., & Müller, N. H. (2022). 2D Virtual Learning Environments for Tertiary Education. International Journal on Advances in Systems and Measurements Volume 15, Number 3 & 4, 2022.
Filippi, A., Kraus, M., Ulsamer, P., Müller, N. (2022). Mirror Neurons as a Potential Confounder in Thought-Based Device Control Using Brain Computer Interfaces with fNIRS. In: Stephanidis, C., Antona, M., Ntoa, S., Salvendy, G. (eds) HCI International 2022 – Late Breaking Posters. HCII 2022. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1654. Springer, Cham. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-19679-9_5
Müller, N.H., Schütz, A.E., Fertig, T. (2022). Mensch und Technik in der angewandten Forschung. In: Weber, K., Reinheimer, S. (eds) Faktor Mensch. Edition HMD. Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-34524-2_1
Gutwald, R., Burghardt, J., Kraus, M., Reder, M., Lehmann, R. & Müller, N. (2021). Soziale Konflikte und Digitalisierung. Chancen und Risiken digitaler Technologien bei der Einschätzung von Kindeswohlgefährdungen. In: EthikJournal 7(2) pp. 1-20.
Belentschikow, V., Pfeffel, K. & Müller, N. H. (2021). Making friends on Facebook: Common group membership as a central decision rule. In: Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 126, 2022, doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2021.107040.
Gawron O., Keller L., Huffstadt K., Müller N.H. (2021) Effect of Height in Telepresence Robots on the Users’ Spatial Awareness. In: Zaphiris P., Ioannou A. (eds) Learning and Collaboration Technologies: Games and Virtual Environments for Learning. HCII 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12785. Springer, Cham. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77943-6_17
Winterstein K., Keller L., Huffstadt K., Müller N.H. (2021) Acceptance of Social and Telepresence Robot Assistance in German Households. In: Zaphiris P., Ioannou A. (eds) Learning and Collaboration Technologies: Games and Virtual Environments for Learning. HCII 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12785. Springer, Cham. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77943-6_22
Keller L., Gawron O., Rahi T., Ulsamer P., Müller N.H. (2021) Driving Success: Virtual Team Building Through Telepresence Robots. In: Zaphiris P., Ioannou A. (eds) Learning and Collaboration Technologies: Games and Virtual Environments for Learning. HCII 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12785. Springer, Cham. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77943-6_18
Weber K., Schütz A.E., Fertig T., Müller N.H. (2020) Exploiting the Human Factor: Social Engineering Attacks on Cryptocurrency Users. In: Zaphiris P., Ioannou A. (eds) Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Human and Technology Ecosystems. HCII 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12206. Springer, Cham. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-50506-6_45
Silbermann P., Fertig T., Schütz A.E., Müller N.H. (2020) Utilizing Context Effects of Banner Ads for Conversion Rate Optimization. In: Zaphiris P., Ioannou A. (eds) Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Human and Technology Ecosystems. HCII 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12206. Springer, Cham. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-50506-6_44
Fertig T., Schütz A.E., Weber K., Müller N.H. (2020) Towards an Information Security Awareness Maturity Model. In: Zaphiris P., Ioannou A. (eds) Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Human and Technology Ecosystems. HCII 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12206. Springer, Cham. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-50506-6_40
A. Kushnir and N. H. Müller (2020). “Development of a Wearable Vision Substitution Prototype and Determination of a Suitable Sensory Feedback Method”. In: Lisette Van Gemert-Pijnen and Marike Hettinga (eds). International Journal On Advances in Life Sciences, vol. 12 n 3&4 2020. ISSN: 1942-2660. (Best Paper Award)
Kushnir A., Müller N.H. (2020) Haptic Feedback in Everyday Conversation Situations. In: Stephanidis C., Antona M. (eds) HCI International 2020. HCII 2020. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1224. Springer, Cham. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-50726-8_31
Müller-Wuttke M., Schütz A.E., Franz F. & Müller N.H. (2020) Proactive Smart City Interactions. In: Zaphiris P., Ioannou A. (eds) Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Human and Technology Ecosystems. HCII 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12206. Springer, Cham. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-50506-6_42
Keller, L., Pfeffel, K., Huffstadt, K. & Müller, N. H. (2020). Telepresence Robots and Their Impact on Human-Human Interaction. In: Zaphiris P., Ioannou A. (eds) Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Human and Technology Ecosystems. HCII 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12206. Springer, Cham. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-50506-6_31
Ulsamer, P., Fertig, T., Kraus, M., Pfeffel, K. & Müller, N.H. (2020). Motor imagery to control mobile applications – a FNIRS study. Proceedings of the 24th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Dubai, UAE, 2020.
Ulsamer, P., Pfeffel, K. & Müller, N. H. (2020). Brain Activation in Virtual Reality for Attention Guidance. In: Zaphiris P., Ioannou A. (eds) Learn-ing and Collaboration Technologies. Human and Technology Ecosystems. HCII 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12206. Springer, Cham. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-50506-6_14
Pfeffel, K., Ulsamer, P. & Müller, N. H. (2020). Virtual Reality as a Stress Reduction Measure – Chilling Out on the Beach in My Living Room. In: Zaphiris P., Ioannou A. (eds) Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Human and Technology Ecosystems. HCII 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12206. Springer, Cham. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-50506-6_13
Kushnir, A. & Müller N.H. (2020). Development of a Wearable Vision Substitution Prototype for Blind and Visually Impaired That Assists in Everyday Conversations. In: Jaime Lloret Mauri, Diana Saplacan, Klaudia Çarçani, Prima Oky Dicky Ardiansyah & Simona Vasilache (eds). Proceedings of ACHI 2020, The Thirteenth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions, Nov. 2020, pp. 190-193, ISBN: 978-1-61208-761-0.
Müller, N. H., Schütz, A. E. & Fertig, T. (2020). Mensch und Technik in der angewandten Forschung. HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 57(3). DOI: 10.1365/s40702-020-00615-w
Pfeffel K., Ulsamer P., Müller N.H. (2019) Where the User Does Look When Reading Phishing Mails – An Eye-Tracking Study. In: Zaphiris P., Ioannou A. (eds) Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Designing Learning Experiences. HCII 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11590. Springer, Cham
Fertig T., Schütz A.E., Weber K., Müller N.H. (2019) Measuring the Impact of E-Learning Platforms on Information Security Awareness. In: Zaphiris P., Ioannou A. (eds) Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Designing Learning Experiences. HCII 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11590. Springer, Cham
Ulsamer P., Pfeffel K., Müller N.H. (2019) Indoor Navigation Through Storytelling in Virtual Reality. In: Zaphiris P., Ioannou A. (eds) Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Ubiquitous and Virtual Environments for Learning and Collaboration. HCII 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11591. Springer, Cham
Schütz A.E., Fertig T., Weber K., Müller N.H. (2019) How E-Learning Can Facilitate Information Security Awareness. In: Zaphiris P., Ioannou A. (eds) Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Designing Learning Experiences. HCII 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11590. Springer, Cham
Müller-Wuttke M., Müller N.H. (2019) Cognitive Load Levels While Learning with or Without a Pedagogical Agent. In: Zaphiris P., Ioannou A. (eds) Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Designing Learning Experiences. HCII 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11590. Springer, Cham
Rosenthal, P., Müller, N. H. & Bolte, F. (2019). Visual Analytics of Bibliographical Data for Strategic Decision Support of University Leaders: A Design Study. In: Andreas Kerren; Christophe Hurter; Jose Braz (Ed.): Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications - Volume 3: IVAPP, pp. 297–305, INSTICC SciTePress, 2019, ISBN: 978-989-758-354-4.
Vahidi, A., & Müller, N. H. (2017). E-Learning Supported Martial-Arts-Training. In P. Zaphiris & A. Ioannou (Eds.), Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Novel Learning Ecosystems (Vol. 10295, pp. 294–302). Cham: Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-58509-3_24
Wuttke, M., Völkel, S., Ohler, P., & Müller, N. H. (2017). Analytical Steps for the Validation of a Natural User Interface. In P. Zaphiris & A. Ioannou (Eds.), Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Novel Learning Ecosystems (Vol. 10295, pp. 55–63). Cham: Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-58509-3_6
Spitzhirn, M., Kronfeld, T., Müller, N. H., Truschzinski, M., Brunnett, G., Hamker, F., Dinkelbach, H. Ü., Ohler, P., Protzel, P., Rosenthal, P. & Bullinger-Hoffmann, A. C. (2017). The Smart Virtual Worker – Digitales Menschmodell für die Simulation industrieller Arbeitsvorgänge. In: Angelika C. Bullinger-Hoffmann & Jens Mühlstedt. Homo Sapiens Digitalis – Virtuelle Ergonomie und digitale Menschmodelle. Wiesbaden: Springer.
Müller, N. H., Liebold, B., Pietschmann, D., Ohler, P. & Rosenthal, P. (2017). Visualizations for Hierarchical Data: Analyzing User Behavior and Performance with Eye Tracking. International Journal on Advances in Software, 10 (3 & 4), pp. 385–396, 2017, ISSN: 1942-2628.
Müller, N. H., Liebold, B., Pietschmann, D., Ohler, P. & Rosenthal, P. (2017). Hierarchy Visualization Designs and their Impact on Perception and Problem Solving Strategies. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions, pp. 93–101, 2017. (Best Paper Award)
Spitzhirn, M., Kronfeld, T., Müller, N. H., Truschzinski, M., Brunnett, G., Hamker, F., Dinkelbach, H. Ü., Ohler, P., Protzel, P., Rosenthal, P. & Bullinger-Hoffmann, A. C. (2017). The Smart Virtual Worker – Digitales Menschmodell für die Simulation industrieller Arbeitsvorgänge. In: Angelika C. Bullinger-Hoffmann & Jens Mühlstedt. Homo Sapiens Digitalis – Virtuelle Ergonomie und digitale Menschmodelle. Wiesbaden: Springer.
Wuttke, M., Völkel, S., Ohler, P., & Müller, N. H. (2017). Analytical Steps for the Validation of a Natural User Interface. In P. Zaphiris & A. Ioannou (Eds.), Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Novel Learning Ecosystems (Vol. 10295, pp. 55–63). Cham: Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-58509-3_6
Truschzinski, M., Valtin, G., & Müller, N. H. (2017). Investigating the Influence of Emotion in Air Traffic Controller Tasks: Pretest Evaluation. In D. Harris (Ed.), Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics: Performance, Emotion and Situation Awareness (Vol. 10275, pp. 220–231). Cham: Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-58472-0_18
Vahidi, A., & Müller, N. H. (2017). E-Learning Supported Martial-Arts-Training. In P. Zaphiris & A. Ioannou (Eds.), Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Novel Learning Ecosystems (Vol. 10295, pp. 294–302). Cham: Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-58509-3_24
Rosenthal, P., Pfeiffer, L., Müller, N.H. & Valtin, G. (2016). The Long Way to Intuitive Visual Analysis of Air Traffic Control Data. Elliot Bendoly, Sacha Clark (Ed.): Visual Analytics for Management: Translational Science and Applications in Practice, Chapter 11, Routledge, 1, 2016.
Wuttke, M., Heidt, M., Ohler P., Rosenthal, P. & Müller, N. H. (2016). Proactive functions of a pedagogical Agent – Steps for implementing a social catalyst function.. In: Human-Computer Interaction: Design and Evaluation Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Buxbaum, J., Rosenthal, P. & Müller, N. H. (2016). StayCentered: Nutzung von Sensorik zur Zustandserkennung und –prognose von Operateuren in der Flugverkehrskontrolle. Innovation im Fokus 01/2016.
Buxbaum, J., Müller, N. H., Ohler, P., Pfeiffer, L., Rosenthal, P. & Valtin, G. (2016). Emotion-sensitive automation of air traffic control – Adapting air traffic control automation to user emotions. International Transportation 1(68).
Pfeiffer, L., Valtin, G., Müller, N. H. & Rosenthal, P. (2016). The Mental Organization of Air Traffic and its Implications to an Emotion Sensitive Assistance System. International Journal On Advances in Life Sciences, 8(1&2).
Spitzhirn, M.; Dinkelbach, H. Ü.; Kronfeld, Th.; Müller, N. H.; Truschzinski, M.; Brunnett, G.; Hamker, F.; Ohler, P.; Protzel, P.; Rosenthal, P.; Bullinger, A. C. (2016). The Smart Virtual Worker – Digitales Menschmodell für die Simulation industrieller Arbeitsvorgänge. KI-basierter Ansatz zur semiautomatischen Arbeitsprozessplanung unter Verwendung ergonomischer und emotionsbasierter Zielfunktionen: J. Mühlstedt & A. C. Bullinger, Homo Sapiens Digitalis. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg.
Belentschikow, V. & Müller, N. H. (2016). Peer Groups und Freundschaften auf Facebook. Methodische Triangulation zur Identifizierung von Handlungs- und Meinungsbildungsprozessen im Netz. In: Tagungsband Theorieforum 2013 – Mediale Diskurse, Kampagnen und Öffentlichkeiten. Springer: Wiesbaden.
Pfeiffer, L., Müller, N. H., Valtin, G., Truschzinski, M., Ohler, P. & Rosenthal, P. (2015). Emotionsmodell für zukünftige Mensch-Technik-Schnittstellen zur Unterstützung von Centerlotsen. In: M. Grandt & S. Schmerwitz (Hrsg.). DGLR-Bericht 2015-01. pp 219-232.
Pfeiffer, L., Valtin, G., Müller, N. H. & Rosenthal, P. (2015). Aircraft in Your Head: How Air Traffic Controller Mentally Organize Air Traffic. Pascal Lorenz, Christian Bourret (Ed.): Proceedings of HUSO, the International Conference on Human and Social Analytics, pp. 19–24, IARIA (Best Paper Award)
Pfeiffer, L., Müller, N. H. & Rosenthal, P. (2015). A Survey of Visual and Interactive Methods for Air Traffic Control Data. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Visualisation, pp. 574–577.
Wuttke, M., Belentschikow, V. & Müller, N. H. (2015). Storytelling as a Means to Transfer Knowledge via Narration - A Scenario for a Narrating Pedagogical Agent. i-com Volume 14(2), pp 155-160.
Müller, N. H. & Truschzinski, M. (2015). Analytical Steps for the calibration of an Emotional Framework – Pre-Test and Evaluation Procedures. In: Human-Computer Interaction: Design and Evaluation Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 9169, 2015, pp 512-519.
Müller, N. H., Pfeiffer, L., Ohler, P. & Rosenthal, P. (2015). On the Reproducability of VisRuption: A Tool for Intuitive and Efficient Visualization of Airline Disruption Data. In: W. Aigner, P. Rosenthal & C. Scheidegger. EuroVis Workshop on Reproducibility, Verification, and Validation in Visualization (EuroRV3). Eurographics Association DOI: 10.2312/eurorv3.20151145.
Truschzinski, M., Müller, N. H., Dinkelbach, H.-U., Protzel, P., Hamker, F. & Ohler, P. (2014). Deducing human emotions by robots: Computing basic non-verbal expressions of performed actions during a work task. ICIS 2014, Auckland.
Müller, N. H.; Truschzinski, M.; Fink, V.; Schuster, J.; Dinkelbach, H. Ü.; Heft, W.; Kronfeld, T.; Rau, C.; Spitzhirn, M. (2014). The Smart Virtual Worker – Digitale Menschmodelle für die Simulation industrieller Arbeitsvorgänge. Technische Sicherheit 7-8/2014, Springer-VDI-Verlag, Seite 32-35.
Müller, N. H. & Truschzinski, M. (2014). An Emotional Framework for a Smart Virtual Worker. In: Human-Computer Interaction. Advanced Interaction Modalities and Techniques Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8511, 2014, pp 675-686.
Truschzinski, M. & Müller, N. H. (2013): "An emotional model for social robots". Conference Paper: late-breaking report. Proceedings of the 2014 ACM/IEEE international conference on Human-robot interaction, pp.304-305. Bielefeld (Germany).
Rosenthal, P., Pfeiffer, L., Müller, N. H. & Ohler, P. (2013). VisRuption: Intuitive and Efficient Visualization of Temporal Airline Disruption Data. Computer Graphics Forum, 32 (3pt1), pp. 81–90, 2013, ISSN: 1467-8659.
Müller, N.H., Liebold, B., Pietschmann, D., Rosenthal, P. & Ohler, P.(2013). Gaze Path Analysis of Differences in Task Related Perception of Data Visualization. In: Schwab, F., Carlous, A., Brill, M., & Henninghausen, C.(Eds). Proceedings of the 8th Conference of the Media Psychology Division of the German Psychological Society. Würzburg, Germany.
Müller, N. H. (2013). Es kommt darauf an, Sympathien zu wecken. Interview in: TV Diskurs. 1/2013 (63), S. 24-27. Berlin: FSK.
Müller, N. H. (2013). Menschen lesen und interpretieren. In: Staniek, P. Profiling: Ein Blick genügt und ich weiß, wer du bist. Wien: Echomedia.
Müller, N. (2011). Temporale Indikationen und ihre Auswirkungen auf das Suspense-Empfinden bei seriellen narrativen Formaten. SVH Verlag: Saarbrücken.
Bannert, M., Jahn, V. & Müller, N. (2009). Change Management in der Hochschullehre zur nachhaltigen Integration von E-Learning. Abschlussbericht. In: Arbeitskreis E-Learning der Landesrektorenkonferenz Sachsen (Hrsg.). Synopse der Abschlussberichte E-Learning 2007/2008 der "Projekte zur strategischen Entwicklung des E-Learning und zur weiteren Erschließung von Nutzerkreisen für das netzgestützte Lehren und Lernen an den sächsischen Hochschulen" im Rahmen der E-Learning Förderung des Sächsischen Staatsministeriums für Wissenschaft und Kunst, S. 169-203. Dresden: TUDpress 2009.
Bannert, M., Jahn, V. & Müller, N. (2009). E-Learning an der Technischen Universität Chemnitz: Bestandsaufnahme derzeitiger Einsatzformen. In H. Fischer & J. Schwendel (Hrsg.). E-Learning an sächsischen Hochschulen. Dresden: TUDpress 2008.Müller, N. & Hähnel, J. (2004). PR Arbeit für Filme. In: Geier, R. & Kretzer, A. (Hrsg.) Information und Entertainment. Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovac.
Conference papers and Posters
Filippi A., Kraus M., Ulsamer P., Müller N. H. (2022): Mirror neurons as a potential confounder in thought-based device control using Brain Computer Interfaces with fNIRS. Poster auf der HCII 2022.
Kushnir A., Müller N.H. (2020) Haptic Feedback in Everyday Conversation Situations. In: Stephanidis C., Antona M. (eds) HCI International 2020 - Posters. HCII 2020. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1224. Springer, Cham. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-50726-8_31
Müller, N. H., Liebold, B., Pietschmann, D., Ohler, P. & Rosenthal, P. (2017). Hierarchy Visualization Designs and their Impact on Perception and Problem Solving Strategies. ACHI 2017.
Koban, K. & Müller, N. H. (2016). Narrative certainty and deduction of murderers in crime TV shows. ECREA 2016
Müller, N. H. (2016). Experience of Suspense in Cliffhanger-Situations. ICA 2016
Müller, N. H. & Belentschikow, V. (2016). Empirical design for methodically triangulated Research in social media. HCI 2016
Pfeiffer, L., Müller, N. H., Valtin, G., Truschzinski, M. & Rosenthal, P. (2015). Emotionsmodell für zukünftige Mensch-Technik-Schnittstellen zur Unterstützung von Centerlotsen. DGLR 11/2015
Müller, N. H., Pfeiffer, L., Ohler, P. & Rosenthal, P. (2015). On the Reproducability of VisRuption: A Tool for Intuitive and Efficient Visualization of Airline Disruption Data. EuroVis 2015 – EuroRV3.
Müller, N. H. & Belentschikow, V. (2014). Building Online Relationships on Facebook –Influence of Mutual Group Participation. ECREA 2014, Lisboa.
Müller, N. H. & Pietschmann, D. (2014). Who is the foe – Doctor Who and the NSA-GCHQ parallels . Int. Symposium on the Politics and Law of Doctor Who, London 2014.
Truschzinski, M., Dinkelbach, H.-U., Müller, N. H., Protzel, P., Hamker, F. & Ohler, P. (2014). Deducing human emotions by robots: Computing basic non-verbal expressions of performed actions during a work task. ICIS 2014, Auckland.
Müller, N. H. & Truschzinski, M. (2014). An Emotional Framework for a Smart Virtual Worker: Human Computer Interaction International 2014, Heraklion.
Belentschikow, V. & Müller, N. H. (2014). Online Observations and Virtual Ethnography – Ethical Issues of a Qualitative Experiment regarding Facebook: General Online Research, Köln 2014.
Müller, N. H., Liebold, B., Pietschmann, D., Ohler, P. & Rosenthal, P. (2013). Gaze Path Analysis of Differences in Task Related Perception of Data Visualization: 8th Conference of the Media Psychology Division (German Psychological Society), Würzburg 2013.
Belentschikow, V. & Müller, N. H. (2013). Sicherheit geht vor (?) – Das Überbrücken von Cues bei der Akzeptanz von Onlinebeziehungen: Herbsttagung 2013 der Sektionen "Soziologische Netzwerkforschung" & "Medien- und Kommunikationssoziologie" der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Trier 2013.
Belentschikow, V. & Müller, N. H. (2013). Methodische Triangulation zur Identifikation von Handlungs- und Meinungsbildungsprozessen im Netz - Peer Groups und Freundschaften auf Facebook. Vortrag: 5. ZSM Nachwuchsforscherinnentagung / 6. Theorieforum des Zentrum für Sozialweltforschung und Methodenentwicklung 13.07.2013. Magdeburg.
Truschzinski, M. & Müller, N. H. (2013). “The Emotion Model of the Smart Virtual Worker”, presented at the International Summer School on Social Human-Robot Interaction, Cambridge (U.K.), August 26 th – 30th.
Müller, N. H. (2012). Cognitive Visual Interpretation - An Outside Look. Vortrag: EuroVis/EuroRVVV 2012. Wien.
Müller, N. H. & Jahn, V. (2008). Didaktische Aspekte des E-Learning (Change-eL)
3. Meilenstein-Workshop des SMWK geförderten Projekts, TU Chemnitz.
Müller, N. H. & Jahn, V. (2008). Change Management in der Hochschule zur nachhaltigen Integration von
E-Learning (Change-eL) 1. Meilenstein-Workshop für die vom SMWK geförderten Projekte, Sächsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Dresden.
Bannert, M., Müller, N. H. & Jahn, V. (2007). Strategische Entwicklung des E-Learning und Erschließung von weiteren Nutzerkreisen für das netzgestützte Lehren und Lernen
Informationsveranstaltung E-Learning Initiative TU Chemnitz.
Müller, N. & Hähnel, J. (2005). PR und Film am Beispiel "The Blair Witch Project" 1. Studentische Medientage, Technische Universität Chemnitz.
Invited Talks
Müller, N. H. (2024). Praxisnahe Forschungsprojekte im Kontext der Digitalisierung und von digitalen Technologien über Smart Cities zu nachhaltiger KI. Council für Kunst. Kultur. Kongress. 06/2024
Müller, N. H., Götz, S. & Schüpfer, E. (2024). Sozioinformatik im Gesundheitswesen A. Pflegeschule Universitätsklinikum, 02/2024
Müller, N. H., Götz, S. & Schüpfer, E. (2024). Sozioinformatik im Gesundheitswesen B. Pflegeschule Universitätsklinikum, 02/2024
Müller, N. H. (2024). Das Künstliche and künstlicher Intelligenz. Mehrgenerationenhaus Haßfurt / Smart City Haßfurt Stadtlabor. 03/2024
Müller, N. H. (2024). KI – Gestern, heute, morgen. Zukunftsmesse Haßfurt. 03/2024
Müller, N. H. (2023). Verkündung Stiftungsprofessur Digitale Ethik und Medienrecht bei der Jahresversammlung der Vogel Stiftung und Vorstellung des Studiengangs Digitale Gesellschaft, 02/2023
Müller, N. H. (2023). Aktuelle Themen der Sozioinformatik, Zukunftsmesse Haßfurt, 03/2023
Müller, N. H. (2023). Interdisziplinäre Forschungsprojekte im Gesundheitskontext, Weiterbildungsforum Gesundheit, 04/2023
Müller, N. H., Götz, S. & Schüpfer, E. (2024). Sozioinformatik im Gesundheitswesen A. Pflegeschule Universitätsklinikum, 02/2024
Müller, N. H., Götz, S. & Schüpfer, E. (2024). Sozioinformatik im Gesundheitswesen B. Pflegeschule Universitätsklinikum, 02/2024
Müller, N. H. (2024). Das Künstliche and künstlicher Intelligenz. Mehrgenerationenhaus Haßfurt / Smart City Haßfurt Stadtlabor. 03/2024
Müller, N. H. (2024). KI – Gestern, heute, morgen. Zukunftsmesse Haßfurt. 03/2024
Müller, N. H. (2023). Nachhaltige und interdisziplinäre Forschung & Entwicklung im Kontext der Sozioinformatik. Zukunftswoche 05/2023.
Müller, N. H. (2023). Bin ich Teil der Lösung?. VDI/THWS Konferenz Nachhaltig Nachhaltig 09/2023.
Müller, N. H. (2023). BiTdL CO2 App. WueWW. 11/23
Wuttke, M. & Müller, N. H. (2023). Smart City Haßfurt. WueWW. 11/23
Müller, N. H. (2023). Die gerechte Maschine - Sollen wir uns Entscheidungen von einer smarten KI abnehmen lassen? Implikationen für die Digitale Gesellschaft. Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung
Müller, N. H. (2022). Cybersecurity im Arbeitsalltag, Domeba Webinar-Reihe, 12/2022
Müller, N. H. (2022). Roboter in der Pflege I, Pflegeschule Universitätsklinikum, 11/2022, Würzburg
Müller, N. H. (2022). Roboter in der Pflege I, Pflegeschule Universitätsklinikum, 11/2022, Würzburg
Müller, N. H. (2022). Roboter in der Pflege I, Pflegeschule Universitätsklinikum, 11/2022, Würzburg
Müller, N. H & Müller-Wuttke, M. (2022). VR Ritterkapelle in Haßfurt, WueWW_2022, 10/2022 Würzburg
Müller, N. H. (2022). Führung durch die virtuelle Ritterkapelle, Ministrantentreffen 2022.
Müller, N. H. (2022). Veröffentlichung Modell der Ritterkapelle. Bundesdigitaltag 2022, Haßfurt.
Müller, N. H. (2022). Präsentation VR Ritterkapelle auf der Haßfurter Zukunftsmesse 2022.
Müller, N. H. (2021). KAIMO Präsentation und Podiumsdiskussion auf der DGSA Tagung 2021.
Müller, N. H. (2021). Vorstellung des vibrotaktilen Handschuhs. 50 Jahre Hochschulen in Bayern.
Müller, N. H., (2021). Projektbericht KAIMo – Kann ein Algorithmus moralisch kalkulieren. BIDT Evaluationsmeeting.
Müller, N. H., Wolpold, J. & Müller-Wuttke, M. (2021). Präsentation der fotogrammetrischen Außenansicht der Ritterkapelle in Haßfurt, WueWW_2021, 10/2021 Würzburg
Müller, N. H. (2021). Digitalisierungsthemen für Smart Cities. Digitaltag Smart Green City Haßfurt.
Müller, N. H. (2021). Innenstadt nach Corona. Vortrag für die IHK „Was bleibt nach Corona?“
Wolpold, J., Müller-Wuttke, M. & Müller, N. H. (2020). Vortrag zur photogrammetrischen Erfassung der Ritterkapelle in Haßfurt, WueWW_2020, 10/2020 Würzburg
Müller N.H., Müller-Wuttke M., Schütz A.E. & Franz F. (2020) Proactive Smart City Interactions. HCII 2020.
Panel-Diskussionsteilnehmer „Interdisziplinarität in der wissenschaftlichen Praxis“ – ZD.B-Symposium, 11/2019
Panel-Diskussionsteilnehmer „Designing for the Future we want” – WUD 11/2019, Würzburg
Vorstellung von Robotik- und VR-Projekten auf dem Jahrestreffen des Rotary-Clubs 2018/2019 am 25.06.2019
Keller, L., Kushnir, A., Krause, M. & Müller, N. H. (2020). Vortrag MasterClass ProgressiveHCI bei der FutureCode, 06/2020 Würzburg.
Müller, N. H. (2019). Umweltaspekte der Digitalisierung. Vortrag bei der FOSBOS Kooperationsschule der FHWS, 11/2019 Kitzingen.
Müller, N. H. (2019). HCI Technologien zur Inklusion. World Usability Days, 11/2019 Würzburg.
Müller, N. H. (2019). Studentische Projekte der Professur Sozioinformatik. Vortrag bei der Mainfrankenmesse, 09/2019 Würzburg.
Müller, N. H. (2019). Modernes Lernen - Aktuelle Entwicklungen, wissenschaftlicher Diskurs und Implikationen für die Weiterbildung. Speaker auf der Commerzbank Gesamtbetriebsratssitzung zum Thema E-Learning, 08/2019 Goldhain.
Müller N.H. & Müller-Wuttke M. (2019) Cognitive Load Levels While Learning with or Without a Pedagogical Agent. HCII 2019.
Müller, N. H. (2019). Cybersecurity im Kontext der digitalen Arbeitssicherheit. Keynote-Speaker auf den Compliance-Days, 05/2019 Dresden.
Müßig, M. & Müller, N. H. (2019). Digitale Trends und Geschäftsmodelle. Eröffnungsvortrag StartHouse Spessart, 04/2019 Lohr.
Müller, N. H. (2019). Praxisnahe Anwendungsfelder von Telepräsenzrobotern. 1st International Roboticist Forum, 01/2019 Schweinfurt.
Müller, N. H. (2018). Die Professur Sozioinformatik. ZD.B Scientific Breakfast, 11/2018 Garching.
Müller, N. H. (2018). Vorstellung von Forschungsthemen der Professur Sozioinformatik. 4. Sitzung des ZD.B Koordinierungkreises, 11/2018 Garching.
Panel-Diskussionsteilnehmer „Let's talk about: Digitisation and the Society of Tomorrow” – ZD.B-Symposium, 10/2018.
Müller, N. H. (2018). Digitalisierung und die Implikationen für die Gesellschaft. Rotary-Club, 11/2018 Würzburg.
Müller, N. H. (2018). Forschungsinhalte der Professur Sozioinformatik. 1. ZD.B Symposium, 10/2018 Fraueninsel am Chiemsee.
Wuttke, M., Fischer, J. & Müller, N. H. (2017). Human Responsive Design. World Usability Days, 11/2017 Würzburg.
Müller, N. H. (2017). Forschungsprojekte der Professur Sozioinformatik. Forschungskooperationstreffen Universität Würzburg und FHWS.
Müller, N. H. (2016). Medienpsychologie im Anwendungskontext. Deutsches Luft- und Raumfahrtzentrum (Simulation and Software Technology).
Müller, N. H. (2015). Medienpsychologie im Anwendungskontext. Airbus Defence and Space.
Müller, N. H. (2015). Medienpsychologie im Anwendungskontext. Deutsches Luft- und Raumfahrtzentrum (German Space Operations Center).
Belentschikow, V. & Müller, N. H. (2014). Didaktik im Seminarkontext. Forstverband DePlCz.
Müller, N. H. (2014). Medienpsychologie im Anwendungskontext. Deutsche Flugsicherung (Forschungsabteilung).
Müller, N. H. (2013). Medienpsychologie im Anwendungskontext. Lufthansa CityLine (CrewAllocation).
Müller, N. H. (2013). Medienpsychologie im Anwendungskontext. Bundesluftwaffe. (CrewAllocation).
Müller, N. H. (2012). Cognitive visual interpretation – an outside look. Eurovis 2012 (EuroRV3).
Müller, N. H. & Jahn, V. (2009). Didaktik-Workshop II (E-Learning – leicht gemacht). Accenture Mitarbeiter-Workshop.
Müller, N. H. & Jahn, V. (2009). Didaktik-Workshop I (E-Learning – leicht gemacht) Accenture Mitarbeiter-Workshop.
Interviews and Podcasts
Strauß, S. (2024). Fahrrad-Infrastruktur: Innovative Projekte zur Verbesserung der Verkehrssituation.
Podcast: fokusorange.thws.de/thwspodcast/ausgabe-6/fahrrad-infrastruktur-in-wuerzburg/
Mündlein, U. & Müller, N. H. (2023). CO2 App. Würzburg-Webweek. www.wueww.de/2023/12/06/co2-mobilitaets-app-bin-ich-teil-der-loesung/
Volland, N. & Müller, N. H. (2023). Digitale Gesellschaft & Skills von Morgen. DigitalConnect Mittelstand Podcast. Link
Mündlein, U. & Müller, N. H. (2021). Wie wird eine Kapelle digital? Würzburg-Webweek. www.facebook.com/watch/
Weigel, A. & Müller, N. H. (2020). Eine neuartige Hilfe für Sehbehinderte. #FHWSPodcast, www.thws.de/fhwspodcast/
Interview in der Zeitschrift PROFIL, dem bayerischen Genossenschaftsverband zum Thema „Was bedeutet Kundennähe im digitalen Raum?“, Ausgabe 07/2019
Müller, N. H. (2013). Es kommt darauf an, Sympathien zu wecken. Interview in: TV Diskurs. 1/2013 (63), S. 24-27. Berlin: FSK.
Press reports (in german)
THWS verleiht Preise für beste Lehre
Künstliche Intelligenz – Segen oder Fluch?
„Digital-Café - MITeinander digital“ am 8. März im Stadtlabor Haßfurt
Erstes Weiterbildungsforum Gesundheit an der THWS, 2023
Kampfsport-Training mit technischer Unterstützung, 2023
Haßfurter Zukunftsmesse lockte viele Besucher, 2022
Eine Messe für die Zukunft, 2022
Fakultät Informatik und Wirtschaftsinformatik plant einen neuen Studiengang: "Digitale Gesellschaft", 2022
Wie das Stadtlabor Haßfurt ein Ort der Begegnung werden soll, 2022
Digitalpreis für das Projekt „Rooftop-Scout“ der FHWS, 2021
Neues Theater 3.0: Kombination von Kunst und Technologie, 2021
Prämiertes Projekt: Mit 3D-Drohne autonom Daten erfassen, 2021
Virtuell ins Ausland reisen, 2020
Anna Kushnir gewinnt Best Paper Award auf der Konferenz ACHI, 2020
The Future Code: Virtuelle Messe rund um Robotik und mehr, 2020
Lohr bekommt ein Stück vom Würzburger Web-Week-Kuchen ab, 2019
Ein Thema, das alle beschäftigt, 2019
Drei Vorträge zum Thema Mensch und Digitalisierung, 2019
Neue Professur an der FHWS Würzburg-Schweinfurt, 2017
Additional Information
Committees and Delegations
- Member of the promotion committee of the BIDT 2024
- Jury member of the 1st Würzburg Healthcare Hackathon 2024
- Doctoral committee of the BIDT 2023
- Doctoral committee of the BIDT, 2022
- Scientific member of the delegation trip of the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy to Montreal and Toronto
- BayWiss digitalisation steering committee, since 2018
Organization of scientific conferences
- Organisator (Chair) des Special Tracks “Security and Privacy Aspects of Human-Computer-Interactions” der HICSS-58, 2025
- Program Board Member of the 11th International Conference on Learning and Collaboration Technologies (LCT) der HCII 2024
- Program committee member for ACHI 2024
- Organisator (Chair) des Special Tracks “Security and Privacy Aspects of Human-Computer-Interactions” der HICSS-57, 2024
- Organisator (Chair) des Special Tracks “Applied VR/AR” der ACHI 2024.
- Program committee member for ACHI 2023
- Program Board Member – HCII2023, 10th International Conference on Learning and Collaboration Technologies
- KAIMO Conference 2022
- Program committee member for ACHI 2022
- LCT 2022, HCII2022 Conference Program Board member
- Organizer (Chair) of the panel " Physiological sensors and equipment for HCI" of the conference Human-Computer-Interaction International 2022.
- Organizer (Chair) of the Special Track “Security and Privacy Aspects of Human-Computer-Interactions” of the HICSS-55, 2022
- Program committee member for ACHI 2021
- Organizer (Chair) of the panel “Technology-based Telepresence in a Learning Context” at the Human-Computer-Interaction International 2021 conference.
- Program Board Member – HCII2021, 8th International Conference on Learning and Collaboration Technologies
- Organizer (Chair) of the Special Track “Security and Privacy Aspects of Human-Computer-Interactions” of the HICSS-54, 2021
- Organization of the four-part E-DIG seminar series on digital self-determination. October 2020, Wuerzburg
- Program committee member for ACHI 2020
- Organizer (Chair) of the panel “Human Factors in Smart HCI” at the Human-Computer-Interaction International 2020 conference.
- Organizer (Chair) of the Special Track “Security and Privacy Aspects of Human-Computer-Interactions” of the HICSS-53, 2020
- Program committee member for ACHI 2019
- Organizer (Chair) of the panel “Human-centered Aspects Of Digital Learning Environments” at the Human-Computer-Interaction International 2019 conference.
- Organizer (Chair) of the panel “Electronic learning in everyday life” at the Human-Computer-Interaction International 2017 conference.
- Reviewer for HCII2024 Konferenz
- Reviewer for ACHI Konferenz 2024
- NRW Innovationspreis 2024
- Journal Computers in Human Behaviour, 2023
- ACHI Conference 2023
- Expert opinion for the VDI "Funding of research at universities of applied sciences in cooperation with companies (FH-Kooperativ)"
- Report for the UK Research and Innovation Council, 2023
- HICSS Conference, 2023
- Expert opinion for the VDI "Funding of research at universities of applied sciences in cooperation with companies (FH-Kooperativ)"
- Doctoral college BIDT 2022
- ACHI Conference, 2022
- HICSS Conference, 2022
- HCII Conference, 2022
- ACHI Conference, 2021
- HCII Conference, 2021
- HICSS Conference, 2021
- ACHI Conference, 2020
- ACHI Conference, 2019
- External reviewer for the appointment of the professorship "Digitization, Technology Consequences and Applied Ethics" at the OTH Regensburg, 2019
- Report for the funding measure "Civil Security - Socio-Economic and Socio-Cultural Infrastructures" as part of the "Research for Civil Security 2018 - 2023" program of the BMBF on behalf of the VDI
- Spokesman of the Accreditation Commission: Report on the internal re-accreditation of the Socioinformatics courses at the TU Kaiserslautern, 2019
- Doctoral report at the Faculty of Computer Science at Chemnitz University of Technology, 2018
- DAAD Programme: PPP India DST, 2018
- Digital Teaching Award of the THWS, 2024
- Best Paper Award ACHI, 2023
- 1st place IWI-Net Allumniverein for the software project CO2BI, 2021
- 1st place of the Vogel Foundation Dr. Eckernkamp for the rooftop scout, 2021
- Best Paper Award ACHI, 2020
- Certificate: Inclusive university teaching, 2020
- Certificate: Publons Academy Mentor, 2020
- Certificate: University teacher Bavaria, 2019
- Best Paper Award ACHI, 2017
- Best Paper Award HUSO, 2015