Prof. Dr. Peter Braun
97074 Würzburg
Only by appointment via e-mail.
International Affairs Officer
Programme Director Computer Science

Teaching Areas
Teaching Areas
- Foundations of Computer Science (BEC, BWI, BDGD)
- System-oriented Programming (BIN3)
- Backend Systems (BIN3)
- Frontend Systems (BIN4)
- Advanced Distributed Systems (FWPM)
- Mobile Applications with Flutter (FWPM)
- Clean Code (FWPM)
- Green IT (FWPM)
Ausschreibungen für Projekt- und Bachelorarbeiten
You can find a short list of topics here:
If you are interested, please send me an e-mail and we can arrange an appointment.
Current Projects
- GeMARA: Generation of web-based and mobile applications based on the REST architectural style
- DTU: Automatic creation of video-based teaching units for basic training in the computer science degree programme
Peter Braun and Wilhelm R. Rossak. Mobile Agents-Basic Concepts, Mobility Models, and the Tracy Toolkit. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2005.
Herausgegebene Bücher und Zeitschriften/Edited Books and Journals
Mario Jeckle, Ryszard Kowalczyk, and Peter Braun, editors. Grid Services Engineering and Management-First International Conference, GSEM 2004, Erfurt (Germany), September 2004, Proceedings, volume 3270 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Verlag, 2004.
Ryszard Kowalczyk, Andreas Polze, and Peter Braun (Guest Editors), editors. Journal on Multiagent and Grid Systems, Special Issue on Advances in Grid Services Engineering and Management, volume 3. IOS Press, 2007.
Zeitschriften und Buchkapitel/Journals and Book Chapters
Henry Vu, Tobias Fertig, and Peter Braun. Model-Driven Integration Testing of Hypermedia Systems. Journal of Web Engineering, (4–6):1–28, 2019
Sven Bayer, Vitaliy Schreibmann, Ansgar Ackva, Arndt Balzer, and Peter Braun. Pedelec: Towards a better understanding of ageing processes of e-bike batteries. In Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development, volume 848 of Applied Mechanics and Materials, pages 119-122. Trans Tech Publications, 10 2016.
Peter Braun and Lutz Kohl. Serverseitige Infrastruktur fur komplexe iOS Apps. iX Developer, (3):60-66, 2012.
Peter Braun, Jakub Brzostowski, Gregory Kersten, Jinbaek Kim, Ryszard Kowalczyk, Stefan Strecker, and Rustam Vahidov. e-negotiation systems and software agents: Method, models, and applications. In Jatinder N. D. Gupta, Guisseppi A. Forgionne, and Manuel Mora, editors, Intelligent Decision-Making Support Systems (i-DMSS): Foundations, Applicatons, and Challenges, Decision Engineering, pages 271-300. Springer Verlag, 2006.
Peter Braun, Ingo Müller, Tino Schlegel, Steffen Kern, Volkmar Schau, and Wilhelm Rossak. Tracy: An extensible plugin-oriented software architecture for mobile agent toolkits. In Monique Calisti, Matthias Klusch, and Rainer Unland, editors, Software Agent-Based Applications, Platforms and Development Kits, Whitestein Series in Software Agent Technologies, pages 357-382. Birkhäuser Verlag, 2005.
Peter Braun, Jan Eismann, Christian Erfurth, Arndt Döhler, and Wilhelm R. Rossak. A Multi-Agent Approach to Manage a Network of Mobile Agent Servers. Informatica - An International Journal of Computing and Informatics, 29(1):111-121, 2005.
Peter Braun, Bogdan Franczyk, Ryszard Kowalczyk, Ingo Müller, Wilhelm R. Rossak, and Andreas Speck. Deploying mobile and intelligent agents in interconnected e-marketplaces. Transactions of the Society for Design and Process Science, 7(3):109-123, 2003.
Wolfram Amme, Peter Braun, François Thomasset, and Eberhard Zehendner. Data Dependence Analysis of Assembly Code. International Journal on Parallel Programming, 28(5):431-467, 2000.
Matthias Keckl, Patrick Müller, and Peter Braun. Model-driven Software Development as the Key to RESTfulWeb Interfaces and Digitization. In Sixth International Conference on Applied Informatics Imagination, Creativity, Design, Development (ICDD) 2022, May 5-7 Sibiu, Romania, pages 70{82, 2022.
Henry Vu, Tobias Fertig, and Peter Braun. Automation of Integration Testing of RESTful Hypermedia Systems: A Model-driven Approach. In 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2018), Seville (Spain), September 18-20, 2018.
Patrick Müller, Henry Vu, Tobias Fertig, and Peter Braun. Hypermedia: The Key to RESTful Web Applications. In 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2018), Seville (Spain), September 18-20, 2018.
Philipp Ulsamer, Tobias Fertig, and Peter Braun. Feature oriented DSLs. In Workshop zu Modellbasierter Entwicklung eingebetteter Systeme (MBEES 2018), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, April 16-18, 2018.
Tobias Fertig and Peter Braun. Towards online support for RESTful systems. In Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Web APIs and Service Architecture (WS-REST 2018), Lyon, France, April 23-27, 2018, pages 1875-1880, 2018.
Henry Vu, Tobias Fertig, and Peter Braun. Verication of hypermedia characteristic of RESTful nite-state machines. In Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Web APIs and Service Architecture (WS-REST 2018), Lyon, France, April 23-27, 2018, pages 1881-1886, 2018.
Henry Vu, Tobias Fertig, and Peter Braun. Towards model-driven hypermedia testing for RESTful systems. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, WEBIST 2017, Porto, Portugal, April 25-27, 2017, pages 340-343, 2017.
Rene Fischer, Volker Herwig, and Peter Braun. Assessment of REST and Web-Sockets in regards to their energy consumption for mobile applications. In Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications (IDAACS 2015), pages 342-347, 2015.
Julia Lahn, Heiko Peter, and Peter Braun. Car crash detection on smartphones. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Sensor-based Activity Recognition and Interaction, pages 12:1-12:4, 2015.
Sven Bayer, Vitaliy Schreibmann, Ansgar Ackva, Arndt Balzer, and Peter Braun. PEDELEC: Towards a better understanding of aging processes of e-bike batteries. In Proceedings of the 6th RMUTP International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development: Current Challenges towards Creative and Green Economy, 2015.
Vitaliy Schreibmann and Peter Braun. Model-driven development of RESTful APIs. In 11th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST), pages 5-14, 2015.
Tobias Fertig and Peter Braun. Model-driven testing of RESTful APIs. In World Wide Web Conference, Workshop on Web APIs and RESTful Design (WS-REST), pages 1497-1502, 2015.
Steffen Kern, Christian Erfurth, Peter Braun, Antje Lessmann, and Wilhelm Rossak. Mobisoft: Networked personal assistants for mobile users in everyday life. In Matthias Klusch, Michal Pechoucek, and Axel Polleres, editors, Twelfth Internation- al Workshop on Cooperative Information Agents (CIA08), Prague (Czeck Republic), September 2008, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 147-161. Springer Verlag, 2008.
Peter Braun and Ronny Eckhaus. Experiences on model-driven software development for mobile applications. In 15th Annual IEEE International Symposium and Workshops on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems (ECBS 2008), March 2008, pages 490-493. IEEE Computer Society Press, 2008.
Ingo Müller, Ryszard Kowalczyk, and Peter Braun. Towards agent-based coalition formation for service composition. In The 2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology, Hongkong, December 2006, pages 73-80. IEEE Computer Society Press, 2006.
Steffen Kern, Peter Braun, and Wilhelm Rossak. Mobisoft: An agent-based middleware for social-mobile applications. In Robert Meersman, Zahir Tari, and Pilar Herrero, editors, On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2006: OTM 2006 Workshops, Montpellier (France), October/November 2006, Part II, volume 4277 of LNCS, pages 984-993. Springer Verlag, 2006.
Peter Braun, Andreas Fey, Claudia Neef, and Volkmar Schau. Interaktives Radio auf mobilen Endgeräten: Der Jumos Radio Guide. In Informatik 2006: Informatik für Menschen, 36. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik - Workshop Mobile Anwendungssysteme im beruflichen und privaten Bereich, Lecture Notes in Informatics, pages 255-261. Springer Verlag, 2006.
Steffen Kern, Peter Braun, Torsten Dettborn, Ronny Eckhaus, Yang Ji, Christian Erfurth, and Wilhelm Rossak. Assistant-based mobile supply chain management. In Matthias Riebisch, Peter Tabeling, and Werner Zorn, editors, 13th Annual IEEE International Symposium and Workshops on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems - Mastering the Complexity of Computer-based Systems (ECBS 2006), Potsdam (Germany), March 2006, pages 23-31. IEEE Computer Society Press, 2006.
Tino Schlegel, Peter Braun, and Ryszard Kowalczyk. Towards autonomous mobile agents with emergent migration behaviour. In Peter Stone and Gerhand Weiss, editors, Fifth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2006), Hakodate (Japan), May 2006, pages 585-592, 2006.
Steffen Kern, Peter Braun, Torsten Dettborn, Ronny Eckhaus, Yang Ji, Christian Erfurth, and Wilhelm Rossak. A generic agent-based peer-to-peer infrastructure for social-mobile applications. In Thomas Kirste, Brigitta König-Ries, Key Pousttchi, and Klaus Turowski, editors, Mobile Informationssysteme - Potentiale, Hinternisse, Einsatz, 1. Fachtagung Mobilität und Mobile Informationssysteme (MMS 2006), Passau (Germany), February 2006, volume P-76 of Lecture Notes in Informatics, pages 127-138. Springer Verlag, 2006.
Steffen Kern and Peter Braun. Towards adaptive migration strategies for mobile agents. In Innovative Concepts for Autonomic and Agent-Based Systems, Second GSFC/IEEE Workshop on Radical Agent Concepts (WRAC), NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD (USA), September 2005, volume 3825 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 334-345. Springer Verlag, 2006.
Peter Braun, Duc Trinh, and Ryszard Kowalczyk. Integrating a new mobility service into the Jade agent toolkit. In Thomas Magedanz, Ahmed Karmouch, Samuel Pierre, and Iakovos Venieris, editors, Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Mobility Aware Technologies and Applications (MATA 2005), Montreal (Canada), October 2005, volume 3744 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 354-363. Springer Verlag, 2005.
Ingo Müller, Peter Braun, and Ryszard Kowalczyk. Design patterns for agent-based service composition in the Web. In Kai-Yuan Cai, Atsushi Ohnishi, and Edmonds M. F. Lau, editors, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Quality Software (QSIC 2005), Melbourne (Australia), September 2005, pages 425-430. IEEE Computer Society Press, 2005.
Peter Braun, Ingo Müller, Steffen Kern, and Ryszard Kowalczyk. Increasing the migration efficiency of Java-based mobile agents. In Andrezj Skowron, Jean-Paul Barthes, Lakhmi Jain, Ron Sun, Pierre Morizet-Mahoudeaux, Jiming Liu, and Ning Zhong, editors, The 2005 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology, Compiègne (France), September 2005, pages 508-511. IEEE Computer Society Press, 2005.
Andre Ludwig, Peter Braun, Ryszard Kowalczyk, and Bogdan Franczyk. A framework for automated negotiation of service level agreements in service grids. In 1st International Workshop on Web Service Choreography and Orchestration for Business Process Management in conjunction with the Third International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2005), Nancy (France), September 2005, pages 31-41. Springer Verlag, 2005.
Ingo Müller, Peter Braun, and Ryszard Kowalczyk. A classification scheme for the integration of software agent and service-oriented paradigms. In Lawrence Cavedon, Ryszard Kowalczyk, Zakaria Maamar, David Martin, and Ingo Müller, editors, Workshop on Service-Oriented Computing and Agent-Based Engineering (SOCABE'2005) in conjunction with 4th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS'2005), Utrecht (The Netherlands), July 2005, pages 57-60, 2005.
Peter Braun, Steffen Kern, Ingo Müller, and Ryszard Kowalczyk. Attacking the migration bottleneck problem (poster). In Frank Dignum, Virginia Dignum, Sven Koenig, Sarit Kraus, Nunindar P. Singh, and Michael Wooldridge, editors, Fourth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent Systems (AAMAS 2005), Utrecht (The Netherlands), July 2005, pages 1239-1240. ACM Press, 2005.
Peter Braun and Steffen Kern. Towards adaptive migration techniques for mobile agents. In Zahia Guessoum, editor, Fifth Workshop on Adaptive Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS 2005), Paris (France), March 2005, 2005.
Steffen Kern, Peter Braun, Christian Fensch, and Wilhelm R. Rossak. Class splitting as a method to reduce the migration overhead of mobile agents. In Robert Meersman, Zahir Tari, and Angelo Corsaro, editors, On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2004: CoopIS, DOA, and ODBASE: OTM Confederated International Conferences, CoopIS, DOA, and ODBASE 2004, Agia Napa (Cyprus), October 2004, Proceedings, Part II, volume 3291 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 1358-1374. Springer Verlag, 2004.
Peter Braun, Ingo Müller, Sven Geisenhainer, Volkmar Schau, and Wilhelm R. Rossak. Agent migration as an optional service in an extendable agent toolkit architecture. In Ahmed Karmouch, Larry Korba, and Edmundo Madeira, editors, Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Mobility Aware Technologies and Applications (MATA 2004), Florianopolis (Brazil), October 2004, volume 3284 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 127-136. Springer Verlag, 2004.
Peter Braun, Ingo Müller, Sven Geisenhainer, Volkmar Schau, and Wilhelm R. Rossak. A service-oriented software architecture for mobile agent toolkits. In 11th Annual IEEE International Conference and Workshops on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems (ECBS 2004), Brno (Czech Republic), May 2004, pages 550-556. IEEE Computer Society Press, 2004.
Peter Braun, Jan Eismann, Wilhelm R. Rossak, Ryszard Kowalczyk, Bogdan Franczyk, and Andreas Speck. Integrating Mobile and Intelligent Agents in E-Marketplaces. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS-2002), Poznań (Poland), April 2002, pages 84-90, 2002.
Ryszard Kowalczyk, Bogdan Franczyk, Andreas Speck, Peter Braun, Jan Eismann, and Wilhelm R. Rossak. InterMarket: Towards Intelligent Mobile Agent-based e-Marketplaces. In Proceedings of the 9th Annual Conference and Workshop on the Engineering of Computer-based Systems (ECBS-2002), Lund (Sweden), April 2002, pages 268-275. IEEE Computer Society Press, 2002.
Christian Erfurth, Peter Braun, and Wilhelm R. Rossak. Migration Intelligence for Mobile Agents. In Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour (AISB) Symposium on Software mobility and adaptive behaviour. University of York (United Kingdom), March 2001, pages 81-88, 2001.
Peter Braun, Christian Erfurth, and Wilhelm R. Rossak. Performance Evaluation of Various Migration Strategies for Mobile Agents. In Ulrich Killat and Winfried Lamersdorf, editors, Kommunikation in verteilten Systemen (KiVS 2001), 12. Fachkonferenz der Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI), Fachgruppe Kommunikation und verteilte Systeme (KuVS) unter Beteiligung der VDE/ITG, Hamburg (Germany), February 2001, Informatik Aktuell, pages 315-324. Springer Verlag, February 2001.
Peter Braun, Jan Eismann, Christian Erfurth, and Wilhelm R. Rossak. Tracy - A Prototype of an Architected Middleware to Support Mobile Agents. In Proceedings of the 8th Annual IEEE Conference and Workshop on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems (ECBS), Washington D.C. (USA), April 2001, pages 255-260. IEEE Computer Society Press, 2001.
Peter Braun, Christian Erfurth, and Wilhelm R. Rossak. Experiences with State-of-the-Art Migration Strategies (poster). In David Kotz and Friedemann Mattern, editors, Agent Systems, Mobile Agents, and Applications, Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Agent Systems and Applications and Fourth International Symposium on Mobile Agents (ASA/MA 2000), Zurich (Switzerland), September 2000, 2000. Poster Proceedings.
Peter Braun, Wolfram Amme, and Eberhard Zehendner. A Data Flow Framework for Analyzing Assembly Code. In Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Comilers for Parallel Computers (CPC 2000), Aussois (France), January 2000, pages 163-172, 2000.
Peter Braun, Jan Eismann, Maik Vogt, and Wilhelm R. Rossak. Konzepte und Entwicklung eines Kunstinformationssystems. In 4. Konferenz für Elektronische Bildverarbeitung & Kunst, Kultur, Historie (EVA 2000), Berlin (Germany), October 2000, pages 101-107, 2000.
Wolfram Amme, Peter Braun, Welf Löwe, and Eberhard Zehendner. Mapping list algorithms on parallel systems. In Werner Erhard, Karl-Erwin Großpietsch, Wolfgang Koch, Erik Maehle, and Eberhard Zehendner, editors, Workshops zur Architektur von Rechensystemen - Vorträge Workshops im Rahmen der 15. GI/ITG-Fachtagung ARCS '99, Jena (Germany), Oktober 1999. Universität Jena, Institut für Informatik, 1999.
Peter Braun. Feingranulare und dynamische Migration bei mobilen Agenten. In Clemens H. Cap, Werner Erhard, and Wolfgang Koch, editors, 15. GI/ITG Fachtagung Architektur von Rechensystemen (ARCS'99), Jena (Germany), October 1999, pages 225-228. VDE Verlag, 1999.
Wolfram Amme, Peter Braun, Welf Löwe, and Eberhard Zehendner. Logp modelling of list algorithms. In 11th Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD'99), Natal (Brazil), September/October 1999, 1999.
Wolfram Amme, Peter Braun, François Thomasset, and Eberhard Zehendner. ADAM - Advanced Data Dependence Analysis of Maschine Code. In Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Compilers for Parallel Computers (CPC'98), Linköping (Sweden), June 1998, pages 207-217, 1998.
Wolfram Amme, Peter Braun, François Thomasset, and Eberhard Zehendner. Data Dependence Analysis of Assembly Code. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT '98), Paris (France), October 1998, pages 340-347, 1998.
Wolfram Amme, Peter Braun, and Eberhard Zehendner. Datenabhängigkeitsanalyse zur Erhöhung des Parallelitätsgrades auf Anweisungsebene. In 17. Workshop Parallel-Algorithmen, -Rechnerstrukturen und -Systemsoftware (PARS), Karlsruhe (Germany), September 1998, pages 70-79, 1998.
Wolfram Amme, Peter Braun, and Eberhard Zehendner. Scheduling parallel loops for processing linear lists. In Proceedings of the 23rd Euromicro Conference New Frontiers of Information Technology, Budapest (Hungary), September 1997, pages 426-430. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1997.
Doktorarbeit/Ph.D. Thesis
Peter Braun. The Migration Process of Mobile Agents-Implementation, Classification, and Optimization. PhD thesis, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Computer Science Department, May 2003.
Diplomarbeit/Master's Thesis
Peter Braun. Analyse von Assemblercode zur Bestimmung von Datenabhängigkeiten. Diplomarbeit, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, February 1998.
- Since 2023: Programme Director Computer Science
- 2015 - 2023: Dean of the Faculty Computer Science and Business Information Systems
- Since 2013 International Affairs Officer of the Faculty
- Since 2012 Professor of Computer Science at THWS
- 2008 - 2012: Head of Development, match2blue GmbH, Jena
- 2006 - 2008: Head of Research and Development, the agent factory GmbH, Jena
- 2004 - 2006: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australien.
- 1998 - 2004: Research Fellow at Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Lehrstuhl für Softwaretechnik