General Elective Modules (AWPM)
General elective modules consist of two general elective courses (AWPF) which are offered by the Faculty of Applied Natural Sciences and Humanities (FANG). Students from all degree programmes choose general electives and the grades earned will be listed in the bachelor’s certificate. Each student must take two general electives courses. They are scheduled for the 1st or 2nd semester.
In case of questions concerning the general elective modules/courses, please contact the Faculty of Applied Natural Sciences and Humanities (course catalogue).
Selection procedure
You can choose general elective courses according to your interests and depending on available places in an electronic selection or registration procedure.
Blocking notice
With the help of general electives, students are supposed to look beyond the boundaries of their degree programmes. Therefore, only those general electives may be selected that are not already part of the programme or that could be taken as core electives.
For example, students from the Computer Science programme are not allowed to select the general elective for the programming language C++, because this language is already taught in the module Programming 3. The same applies to the general elective for the programming language Python: There is but no fixed module in the Computer Science programme, but it can be selected as a core elective.
For all students of our Faculty all general electives for presentation techniques are blocked, because there is a core module Soft and Professional Skills in their degree programmes where these contents are taught.
However, it is still possible to take these courses (only if places are left). A grade earned this way though is not shown in the bachelor’s certificate.
The current blocking notice for the winter semester 2024/25 shows a list of all general electives which must not be selected in accordance with Faculty Council’s decision.