CHE Ranking 2024: Computer Science programme impresses across the board

|, computer science

The Computer Science program at the Würzburg-Schweinfurt University of Applied Sciences (THWS) has received outstanding ratings in this year's CHE ranking. It is in the top group in almost all categories.

Particularly pleasing are the results in the general study situation, digital teaching elements, and internationalization, which underline the faculty's successful path in promoting global skills and international networking. Students rated the general study situation with an average of 4.4 (out of a maximum of 5), well above the average of 4.2 for all universities.

Students particularly emphasize the practical orientation of the teaching. Here, the degree program achieved a score of 4.4, while the quality of the practice-related courses was even rated at 4.6, far exceeding the average score of 4.3. Students praise the infrastructure at our SHL campus, especially the equipment in the rooms and the WLAN coverage. Students rated support in finding practical placements 4.6 out of 5.0, well above the average of 4.0.

In the area of digital teaching elements, the degree program achieved a rating of 4.4, above the average of 4.1. The degree program scored 4.6 points, well above the average of 3.9, particularly in making the degree program more flexible through digital teaching. This shows that the degree program is also well-positioned in the digital field and provides students with the best possible support.

The faculty is particularly proud of the ratings in the area of internationalization. The support and advice in preparing for stays abroad is rated at an excellent 4.8, well above the average of 4.3. The attractiveness of the study programs at foreign universities and the recognition of academic achievements abroad are also highlighted very positively.

Prof. Dr Braun, Head of Computer Science, is delighted with the results: "The outstanding ratings in the CHE ranking confirm our continuous efforts to offer our students a high-quality and practical education. We are particularly proud of the positive feedback on internationalization, which underlines our commitment to the global networking and mobility of our students."

The faculty would like to thank all students for their trust and positive feedback. The university will continue to work on continuously improving the study conditions and offering students an optimal learning environment.