Women’s Affairs Officer
Areas of activity

The women’s affairs officer’s duties are derived from Article 4 of the Bavarian Higher Education Act (German only) and Article 12 of the Statutes of FHWS (German only). In accordance to Article 12 Section 1 of the Statutes of FHWS, the women’s affairs officer is a member of the faculty council as well as the appointment committees.
The areas of activity of a faculty’s women’s affairs officer include:
- Avoiding or removing disadvantages for female students and female teaching staff
- Creating the equal opportunities guaranteed under the Federal Constitution
- Representing women’s interest in the faculty’s committees
- Providing information about (financial) support for female students
- Promoting young female scientists
- Advice and assistance in cases of discrimination, violence and sexual harassment
- Advice for student parents
- Counselling in difficult life situations
In accordance to Article 12 Section 2 of the Statutes of FHWS (only available in German) the term of office of the women’s affairs officer corresponds to the term of office of the respective faculty council and is thus two years. The current term of office of our Faculty’s women’s affairs officer ends on 30 September 2023.
Contact: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anne Heß
Deputy: Prof. Dr. Isabel John
Parenting room
Our Faculty offers a parenting room in room I.3.18 for students and staff of the Faculty of Computer Science and Business Information Systems as well as the Faculty of Visual Design.
THWS women’s affairs officer
Additionally, the THWS women’s affairs officer can be contacted anytime.