Programme Objective
Due to an increasing spread of IT, the interaction of people and information systems becomes more and more important for our society. In companies, graduates from our Business Information Systems programme solve complex problems in providing and processing information.
Business informatics is the crucial link between modern information and communication technology and their efficient use in companies. Today and in the future, our graduates look forward to various tasks in different specialist and management areas of companies. The bachelor’s programme teaches skills and methods to solve problems and to quickly familiarize with the numerous application areas of business informatics, sound basic knowledge as well as interdisciplinary methodological and social competences.
Programme-specific learning outcomes
Teaching specialist skills
Every aspect of the bachelor’s programme is defined by practice-orientation. Every professor has at least five years, often even ten years of professional experience. Sessional lecturers who have their main employment in businesses and companies as well as guest lecturers complement our own offer in terms of practice-oriented teaching.
Already during their studies, students work on specific solutions when they write term papers, do project or write their bachelor's theses. The software development project during the 4th semester is always a special highlight, because there students independently create a fully functional application system for internal and external customers while working in interdisciplinary teams.
The 5th semester is dedicated to the supervised internship and students spend the whole semester in a company where they can transfer and apply their theoretical knowledge acquired to specific real-life challenges. They will actively contribute to the design of the company’s information systems.
For their final theses, students can use all the Faculty’s labs and their up-to-date equipment (e.g. robots, 3-D-printer, simulation environments, different prototypes). Students can also get involved in practice-oriented research projects during their studies by working as student assistants.
The competences taught in the bachelor’s programme Business Information Systems follow the current framework recommendations for the academic education of computer scientists given by the Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. This framework, however, follows the current and prospective demands on higher education graduates when it comes to scientific and professional practice.
During the first four semesters, in the orientation phase, the following subject areas are taught: Business informatics (e.g. business software, business technologies, information and technology management, IT organisation), computer science (e.g. programming, databases, data communication, software engineering), business administration (e.g. fundamentals of business administration, innovation management and business creation, accounting, business law, logistics) as well as supporting subjects (e.g. mathematics, statistics, IT law, IT project management, English).
During the last two semesters, the specialisation phase, students choose subjects from a comprehensive, continuously updated catalogue of optional and specialisation courses the modules suitable for their desired qualification. This last phase is characterised by project-related as well as team-oriented work in seminars and projects, but also by the interdisciplinary way of studies through specialisation and optional courses across different degree programmes.
Teaching methodological skills, personality and social competences
Students are introduced to programming, project execution as well as project management activities through seminar-like lectures, practical courses in small groups, an internship semester as well as projects. The aim in this context is that students develop a specific understanding for social responsibility related to the development of digital systems. Special courses on ethics in computer science and on socio-informatics underline the improvement of competences in this area.
Students apply methods and tools of, for example, project management in all-day business games, which gives them also the chance to experience team processes. The courses on soft and professional skills are a mandatory part of the curriculum. They consist of work and presentation techniques, conflict management, facilitation and negotiation techniques. The general electives completed during the first semesters also serve personality formation as well as students’ personal development.
During the internship, students try and improve their subject-specific, methodological and social abilities, especially their ability for project and team work as well as presentation abilities.
Work in small groups, but also innovative teaching formats (e.g. coding nights, developer competitions, business and simulation games, etc.) promote interaction and motivation among the students - also across programmes. Here, too, students train their presentation and reasoning skills. They are encouraged to solve problems as well as apply their skills to new unfamiliar situations.
They are also encouraged to acquire international and intercultural skills. Among others, there are the following offerings: English-taught courses and courses with international contents; an international teaching week consisting of up to ten English-taught elective courses, field trips to partner institutions (e.g. in India and China), individual consulting on stays abroad and mobility opportunities for incoming students.
Qualification for scientific work
The ability to work scientifically is taught in parallel with the technical skills in the programme’s modules. This ability will be trained in particular by accompanying courses for preparing seminar papers and project papers. The bachelor's thesis, finally, undergoes a strict assessment process that takes into account not only efficiency, but also work’s the scientific character.
Employability and lifelong learning
Graduates of this programme will have acquired skills and competencies in all areas necessary for a future-oriented career. Due to the increasing digitalization in all areas of life, a comprehensive understanding of information systems is of great importance. Our students will receive the subject-specific knowledge as well as necessary methodological, but also personal and social skills in order to meet requirements even in demanding positions. The high degree of flexibility in the course of studies offers the opportunity for extensive specialisation.
Programme accreditation

On application by the FHWS Faculty of Computer Science and Business Information Systems, the accreditation agency with STEM focus ASIIN e.V. has accredited the bachelor's degree programme Business Information Systems until 30 September 2028 by awarding the seal of ASIIN e.V. as well as the seal by the German Accreditation Council.
- Certificate (non-accessible)
- Euro-Inf Certificate (non-accessible)