Information on exams
Registrations for exams and their cancellation
You can register for your exams via the online student portal. The period for registration for exams can be found on the page of the Department of Student Affairs
Please note that an exam registration is necessary for almost all modules, also for the programming project (BIN 4th semester), software development project (BWI 4th semester) and also for all seminars, specialisations, FWPM and courses of the International Week. Registration is also necessary if examination has already started during the semester, for example in the case of the examination forms portfolio, term paper, practical examination or similar.
Only for the following modules the registration for the examination does not take place during the registration period:
- Soft and Professional Skills (without examination, only confirmation of participation required).
- Internship module (done with application to the internship)
- Project work (separate application to the examination boards)
- Bachelor thesis (separate application to the examination boards)
- Master thesis (separate application to the examination boards)
If you have questions, please contact the person responsible for your degree programme at the Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
In case you want to cancel your exam registration, you find appropriate information on the page of the Department of Student Affairs
Missed exam registration?
- Only those students who have registered for exams in due time and form are allowed to take the exams.
- If you missed the registration, you can apply for additional/subsequent exam registration at the Department of Student Affairs (HSST).
- For this, you have to give the reasons why you missed the registration.
- Please check at least at the respective exam date with the help of the lists hanging at the exam rooms whether you are correctly registered. If you are not properly registered, you may be denied participation in the exam.
Publication of grades
The publication of grades for exams in the winter semester takes place at the beginning of March; for exams in the summer semester it is at the end of August. Grades are published in the online student portal.
Access to exam papers
The period for access to written exams can be found on the page of the Department of Student Affairs
Access is given to students in person or to a representative with written authorisation.
During the whole period, IT-assisted access can be granted. There is no entitlement to inspection in IT-supported form. For this, please contact the responsible examiner. As regards exams by sessional lecturers, please contact the responsible module manager.
A subsequent examination inspection due to personal unavailability will not be granted.
- Exams with examiner Prof. Braun
Monday, 14.04.2025
16:30 - 17:30 : Exams BWI2 und BDG2 / Introduction to Computer Science
17:00 - 18:00 : Exams BEC2 / Introduction to Computer Science and E-Commerce - Exams with examiner Prof. Deinzer
Tuesday, 18.03.2025
09:00 - 10:00: Basics of Theoretical Computer Science
10:00 - 11:00: Basics of Algorithms and Data Structures
11:00 - 12:00: Reasoning and Decision Making under Uncertainty
I.3.20 - All exams with examiner Prof. Oermann
Friday, 21.03.2025 12:30 - 14:30
Registration by mail needed! - All exams with examiner FOL Rott
Saturday, 22.03.2025, 09:00 - 11:00
Entrance Hall Sanderheinrichsleitenweg 20
For all other modules please contact lecturer via e-mail.
Exams for general electives
- The exam period for general electives usualy starts usualy one week earlier than the faculty internal exams. The period can be found on the page of Department of Student Affairs
- More information about exams for general electives are available in the respective course or from the Faculty of Applied Natural Sciences and Humanities.