
Improving language skills, gaining international experience, getting to know another culture – there are so many reasons to go abroad!

Going abroad while studying offers you the chance to develop your personality.

In case you are experiencing wanderlust, your studies are the optimal time to follow the urge to go abroad.
After your studies, the professional and private responsibilities will increase while you are now still flexible.

[Translate to Englisch:] Es handelt sich um ein Symbolbild für Outgoing-Mobilitäten.

Semester abroad

Photo: Priscilla Du Preez - Unsplash / By clicking on the picture, you will be redirected to the page "Semester abroad".

Details on different stays and accrediting of performances.

Internship abroad

Kyle Gregory Devaras - Unsplash / By clicking on the picture, you will be redirected to the webpage "Internship abroad".

An internship abroad offers exciting insights into the work processes of international companies and can be shaped flexibly.


Photo: Frimbee.com - Unsplash / By clicking on the pictrue, you will be redirected to the page "Planning & Deadlines".

Support with planning all important deadlines at one glance.

Partner universities

Photo: Nathan Dumlao-Unsplash / By clicking on the picture, you will be redirected to the webpage "Partner universities".

Information on the Faculty's partner universities.

Field trips & BIP

Photo: Jessica Pamp - Unsplash / By clicking on the picture, you will be redirected to the webpage "Field trips".

Field trips and BIP as short periods for getting to know other nations and cultures.

Double Degree

By clicking on the image, you will be redirected to the "Double Degree" subpage.

Go abroad for a year and get two degrees. Find out more about our double degree programmes.


Photo: Ivan Shilov - Unsplash / By clicking on the picture, you will be redirected to the webpage "Internationalisatiolhome"n

Internationalisation@Home gaining international experience without leaving Würzburg.


Photo: Kelly Sikkema / By cklicking on the picture, you will be redirected to the webpage "Financing".

Information on the different financing options of a stay abraod.

International Office

Photo: Kyle Glenn, Unsplash / By cklicking on the picture, you will be redirected to the website of our international office.

More information on the pages of our International Office.

Four possible ways to go abroad

4 Wege ins Ausland 1. Auslandssemster Ein ca. sechsmonatiger Auslandsaufenthalt an einer unserer Partnerhochschulen. 2. Auslandspraktikum Pflichtpraktikum im Ausland während des Praxissemesters im 5. Semester. 3. Exkursion 1-2 wöchiger Auslandsaufenthalt zusammen mit Dozierenden und Kommiliton:innen als Teil einer Lehrveranstaltung 4. Internationalisation@Home Zum Beispiel die International Teaching Week